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October 14, 2024


They appear to be working again. We thank Jen at TypePad support for fixing it and trying to figure out why it keeps happening. We also thank judi, although in accordance with our policies we have also fired her. We thank all of you for your patience. Finally we thank the Beach Boys, because they made a lot of great records. 


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Need to check the security logs for George Santos login attempts.

Thanks, Jen, Judi, Brian, Dennis, Mike, Carl, Al and a special shout out to the guys for selling out that 1967 concert so fast my money order for tickets was returned 'sorry'. You must have got my follow up fan letter?

Wouldn't it be nice if you could send an autographed group picture.

Your emotionally devastated twelve year old fan.

Good, good, good, good vibrations.

That's it - no more screw ups - please cancel my subscription to the DBBlog. And no matter how many Green Stamps you offer me to re-up, I will not fall for that again.

I bet the comments thing was related to this.

We've been having fun since the comments have been down her daddy took the T-Bird away.

What did you expect after you didn't even finish reading the e-mail from the guy who wanted to collaborate with you? No, not THAT guy, the other guy.

As the person who posted the last comment before everything fell apart, thank you

God Only Knows why the comments keep breaking. Wouldn't It Be Nice if they stayed fixed, Forever.

They fixed me and I wasn't even broken to start with.

No comment.

Thank you, Jen!

Sadly, I didn't think to make note of all the great replies I had for stories over the weekend, and am (probably) too lazy to go back through them now.

Wouldn't It Be Nice if comments stayed on for a while?

I think that The Beach Boys should let some "adult toy" company uses their song "Good Vibrations" as a part of a sales pitch.

How ironic that the company policies that judi wrote were used against her in the end to fire her. I bet she thought how ironical it is that Barry Manilow is so handsome and friendly looking and yet turns out he is a real jerk. I can imagine the little song she sung as she was walked out the door. "Don't touch me - I have been thru this process many times:

"I write the company policies that make the whole company cringe
I write the companies policies of fear and special things
I write the songs that make the employees cry
I write the policies, I write the policies"

Thank goodness. I was tired of writing my comments on the bathroom wall.

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