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October 16, 2024


16 things about Tim Hortons that Canadians are secretly fed up with

(Thanks to The Perts)


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I think this is the definition of "first-world problems."

15) Too much choice
"Everything about Tim Hortons grinds my gears—trash service, trash food, too many options, and no decent service like before when it was Canadian owned."

Perhaps there IS such thing as too much choice, as one Canadian listed this as a reason they're getting tired of Tim Hortons. ...When did China invade the great white north?

So much so, the guy with three penises along with the woman with two vaginas show up every free poorly-stirred coffee and donut Wednesday with any purchase which just makes every Canadian that more enraged saying things like, well this. The sheriff who received the messed up Whopper no mayo failed to be cut in half showed up and was enraged when he was given a half-cut bagel and sandwich, no mayo. He tased one of the extra penises mistaking it for half a whopper. Chaos ensued including an enraged Vanilla Ice making a cameo appearance then calling out in words no one could understand but were believed to be, 'my donuts are stuck in the bag, homie." Not being from Detroit, a city Canadian 0fficials nuked a week earlier because they didn't like Van, He shouted out, "Don't tase any of my multiple penises, bro." The sheriff broke out the pepper spray as enraged customers fled the fast becoming chaotic scene.

"They don’t automatically put a heat sleeve on their molecule-thick coffee cups, like ‘Here, have a 2nd-degree burn and a Cruller.’"

What, they don't sell first aid kits?

I want to mention I am inspired to write compelling comments due to my admiration for my current favorite of many Dave Barry books. I turned the pages a while back while sitting in the waiting rooms of various Dr. offices. Yes compelling.

This is pretty great.

Read it and you will understand.

Never been to Tim Hortons. I'm sure it can't compete with our good old Waffle House !

This has to be AI. No Canadian alive can count to 16, eh?

Damn - now that Tim Horton's is off my list of things I love about Canada, well, the only thing left is Margret Trudeau.

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