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September 18, 2024


Eating grasshoppers might improve your sleep, hair, and libido

(Thanks to EricY)


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Hard pass, even if they're covered in chocolate.

Right, because women really like guys that eats insects.

You know, I sleep enough as it is. As for the rest, I'm good.

The little blue pill is being overtaken by a hopping green one.

Eating grasshoppers will help you get lucky?

You're going to need more than a chaser of mouthwash.

But then again, it might not and probably won't.

Eat this ya smarmy landlubber'n locust lickers, cuz it's already Talk like a pirate day in Australia.

@wanderer, you beat me to it.
@Mr. Bill - too funny
I don't want to click on that story. I wonder if they meant the cocktail called a Grasshopper ..

That's what I have been waiting to hear, Scurvy Bloggers. Kick off the TLaP Day in the northern hemisphere right now.

Has the arrangement been made with judi to hire her for the day so she can re-enact the un-cerimonial firings by walking the plank? And the last re-enactment will be the official re-firing?

I understand this year all attendees will be given their choice of a Pirate Barry bobble head doll or a Walter bobble head doll. Sorry, no judi bobble head dolls this year - did we say she was fired?

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