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September 19, 2024


Pirate Lingo 101

(Thanks to Jeff Meyarrrrrson)


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It's about damn time NYU was teaching something worthwhile.

Today always reminds me of nursecindy, who loved TLAPD.


When sailing the seven seas, where does the pirate captain walk his pirate dog?
On the poop deck. Arrrg

If yer be a real pirate, where be yer buccaneers? They be under me buck'n hat, ya scurvey scum!

RIP Jimmy Buffett, a pirate 200 years too late. I'm in the mood for a cheesburger.

She certainly was a cunning linguist.

Arrgh she be a spicey wench, but if I be wearing me grog-goggles, me booty wouldn't be safe as she'd be plundering me coffers.

She be wise, but she was mistaken: there b no "g" in "arrrr!"
AAARGH is what ye say when a cutlass pierces yer gut.

She be a wise wench, but she be mistaken: there be no "g" in "arrrrr!"
Arrrgh be what ye say when yer gut is pierced by a cutlass.

The Pirate Speak Translator translates "class struggle" as "class struggle." It being a universal term of all mankind, and probably widely used at NYU.

My favorite day of the year!

And "R" is a free, powerful program for doing statistical analysis. Think SPSS, but at no cost.

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