(Thanks to Carlos Montage)
(Thanks to Carlos Montage)
Hay fever may have led to extinction of woolly mammoths
(Thanks to Emily, Leslie and w)
Scientist Disputes That Big Bang Actually Happened
(Thanks to Robert Moats)
(Thanks to Jeff Meyarrrrrson)
Tupperware, iconic food container brand, files for bankruptcy
(Thanks to Jim Kenaston, Steve K. and MOTW, who says "Time for a benefit concert with RBR so Dave can sing The Tupperware Song!")
Florida Python Challenge winner awarded $10K grand prize for killing 20 Burmese pythons
(Thanks to pharrrrrrrrmaross and The Parrrrrrrrts)
California man accidentally pays neighbor's power bill for years
(Thanks to Long John Lobert)
California woman finds marmot hiding in her engine
(Thanks to John Lobarrrrrt)
An Incredible Organism Is Evolving at Lightning Speed—Faster Than We Ever Imagined Possible
(Thanks to Robert Moats)
Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. The Wikipedia arrrrrrticle be here, and this blog's arrrrriginal column be here. the So let's get out there and shiver them timbers, haul them keels and swash them buckles. We be exhausted already.
Connecticut man surprised by garage-invading bear
(Thanks to John Lobert)
We saw Garage-Invading Bear open for Entangled Badger.
Eating grasshoppers might improve your sleep, hair, and libido
(Thanks to EricY)
Entangled badger rescued from Arizona soccer net
(Thanks to MOTW and John Lobert, who says he saw them open for the Monkees)
(Thanks to MOTW)
Bloke swimming across Loch Ness ‘touched by something big under water’
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "This settles it for me.")
New wasp species bursts from flies like horrifying ‘Alien’ creatures
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)
People who exercise have healthier belly fat, new study finds
(Thanks to Matt Filar)
One day, we may all have brain chips to help remember where our keys are: scientists
(Thanks to Jim Perth)
(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)
(Thanks to Ron Wylie and Barry Nester)
Semi carrying load of toilet paper rolls over, blocks SR 18 near I-90
(Thanks to B'game)
Train cancelled after squirrels board and ‘refuse to leave’
(Thanks to Ralph and Annette)
The rudest city in the US might not be where you think it is
(Thanks to pharmaross and Michael Parry)
Study: Breathing might bring microplastics into brain
(Thanks to Ron Wylie)
Rare smelly penguin wins New Zealand bird of the year after fierce campaign
(Thanks to Ron Wylie)
8-year-old girl found driving to local Target
(Thanks to Steve Thompson, Ralph, EricY, John Lobert and MOTW)
NASA issues alert for stadium sized asteroid passing earth Tuesday
(Thanks to EricY and MOTW)
Deep space transmission reaches Earth 8 billion years later
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Zoo Director Threatens Lawsuits After Mistreatment of Viral Hippo
(Thanks to Alan West)
International Space Station Crew Finds A Long-Lost Tomato
(Thanks to Robert Moats)
We vaguely recall that we already posted this. But better safe than sorry with a story of this magnitude.
A Distant Spacecraft Has Confirmed That Earth Is Habitable
(Thanks to Robert Moats, Barry Nester and Annette)
Matt LaFleur reacts to Packers center vomiting on ball: 'First time I've heard that'
(Thanks to pharmaross and Ron Wylie)
These Monkeys Call One Another by Name
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "This is precisely why we have studies.")
Missouri water lily holds 142 pounds of sandbags, wins worldwide contest
(Thanks to The Perts)
Get out of the water now.
(Thanks to Barry Nester)
Cat stuck in 10-metre-deep tank at sewage plant rescued
(Thanks to Geoffrey Scott)
Buckingham Palace guard slips and lands on his butt while on duty
(Thanks to Michael Parry)
Organisms Created in Laboratory Are "Third State" Beyond Life and Death, Scientists Say
(Thanks to Barry Nester)
Arizona man blows Lego out of nose after three decades: 'I can breathe now'
(Thanks to Ron Wylie and Dave Vander Ark, who both say "Always the last place you look.")
Police find squirrel in Florida man’s shirt during traffic stop
(Thanks to Ralph)
'Time traveller' says he's comes back from 2671 to warn of 5 'danger' events this year
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "We should listen to this guy.")
Woman says God gave her permission to steal from Walmart
(Thanks to Alkali Bill)
Man plays trombone during brain surgery
(Thanks to B&C)
Loch Ness monster's 'twin' discovered as 'two large' mysterious shapes captured
(Thanks to Annette)