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September 20, 2024


Russia is encouraging millions to have sex at work to address rapidly tumbling birthrate

(Thanks to Jim Perth and Barry Nester)


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This might explain why a Hollywood Strings version of " let's get it on " is playing non-stop over the Muzak.

If I was working in Russia, I wouldn't have been fired!

Finally, a legitimate reason to use the break room.

New guy pickup line at work: "Natashia, are you a patriot? Do you love your country?"

Hi-ho, hi-ho! It's off to smash we go!

Given that most spouses don't work at the same place, this policy could have the result of reducing the population even more ("You did WHAT at work today?").

Think of it as just another sales quota to fill.

That's the kind of thinking that makes communism so popular.

Comrade, I'm having problem with finishing too fast, can we put up more photos of Khrushchev on the walls in the breakroom?

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