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September 18, 2024


One day, we may all have brain chips to help remember where our keys are: scientists

(Thanks to Jim Perth)


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I see a few new horror movies in our near future.

I think the "everyone will have one" headline is click-bait.
I remember reading about a voice library where thousands of people were invited to read a list of words .. because children who needed a voice would all sound like Stephen Hawking. The library people would then blend several voices together to create a voice for a child, which would then change over time (just like our own voices change as we grow).
I think it's exciting to give patients afflicted with ALS their voice back.

Your brain chip IS your keys.

If you can't remember what you did with your car keys, you probably shouldn't be driving.

What happens when we can't remember where the brain chip is?

I already know where my keys are...in my pocket. This would be more useful if it would tell where *I* am.

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