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August 12, 2024


They appear to have reappeared, just as mysteriously as they disappeared.


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According to Mr. Dialect, in Yorkshire dialect, you might say:
1. "T'comments 'ave popped back up."
2. "Them comments 'ave shown up again."

Both convey the same meaning but with a Yorkshire twist!

Someone is screwing with us.

*Probably one of those, "your service will be interrupted for routine maintenance from the 26th until sometime in December."

We are not a bot.

Maybe judi should get a Peanuts-style "Psychiatric Help" booth, except the sign says "Research Assistance 5 Cents" and the reversible message is "The Assistant is Fired/Not Fired."

Just like the USS Eldridge.

Just like when a two-dimensional object is turned sideways.

Well, my family was in Miami on a vacation and we had some extra time, and my kids wanted to go on the tour of DBBlog Headquarters - my daughter gets a real kick out of Dave's books and such and she hoped to see him in person and get an autograph.

So we get to the Headquarters and on to the tour. Walter introduces himself as the Director of Operations and is the tour guide. My daughter sees what appears to be Dave sitting on a chair way back in the room sort of bent over and trimming his toe nails.

My daughter asks Walter if she can meet Dave in person and get his autograph? She was told, "Mr. Barry is busy right now." What a disappointment.

I asked my daughter what she thought of the tour? She said the place smells like grandma's house. True story.

Somebody needed a day off from monitoring posts or was in transit somewhere.

Simply freeze or unfreeze the comments with the control button in blog settings.

Delegate blog monitor duties to a fan club leader when you're predisposed or get an intern.

Programming Note:

A & E

Wed. August 14, Prime Time. NEW.

Court Cam:

A women transitioning sues her ex-boyfriend for tossing her testicles in the trash.

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