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August 14, 2024


Mosquitoes with West Nile collared in Tel Aviv area

(Thanks to Barry Nester, who says "If they don't reform, they'll be handcuffed, too.")


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Reports that mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus were captured in Tel Aviv.

In addition a man heavily breathing out his butthole claimed to have been bitten by one of the culprit mosquitos while offering pineapple candy near several sacred sights in the area. When asked what He was doing he said, "is there any sight near here that is not sacred, I have candy please do something about these mosquitos they have a wing span as big as a Scud missile."

When told there were no longer any Scud missiles the guy said, "I'm standing here breathing out my butthole handing out drug laced pineapple candy being eaten alive by West Nile infected mosquitos near a sacred sight and you correct me informing me you are Barry Manilow and make the whole world sing?"

To be continued.

That bites, and it's not kosher.

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