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August 14, 2024


Darlington shared on X that they’d had trouble flushing that toilet for days. It wasn’t until he found the iguana poking its head out of the toilet that he realized there was a green iguana crawling up the pipe and jamming it up.

(Thanks to Ralph and pharmaross)


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On the plus side, it sounds like he was well fed.

I know of no person more worthy of a pulitzer than the Iguana. It was doing everything possible to get the story.

So it was a slammin' jammin' iguana crammin'

How can you tell if the problem is caused by an iguana or just low flow, 'cuz I don't like the sound of that.

And to think my plumber tried to tell me it was me and not the toilet.

Iguanas always know where to find the good stuff.

Flushing iguanas opened for, for, for that band that Dave Barry used to stand up with. Something about grade school math. Hmmm. Was it multiplication? Adding?. I have to check with Allen at Division. Yes, that was it - what is left over after Division - Remainders. There, I remembered.

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