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July 10, 2024


Lawyer who defecated in Pringles can reinstated

(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)


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Probably innocent and just taking the rap for one of the principals in the firm.

"The pooper, who is a criminal-defense attorney, lobbed the can into the parking lot of a crime-victim advocacy center in November 2021, and the Ohio Supreme Court eventually held that this is the kind of thing that might call into question one’s fitness to practice law. But it imposed only a six-month suspension, which has now expired. According to the Columbus Dispatch, the attorney said that he 'didn’t target anyone' with the can, which I suppose is a plus, but also that 'he pulled the Pringles prank at least 10 times that year,' which definitely seems like a minus."

from Kevin Underhill's "Lowering the Bar" legal blog:

I like the comment under the article. (He did this 10 times or so):

"Once you plop, you just can’t stop"

His new shingle should feature a pringles can and a poop emoji.

I like "crisp pot of poo."

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