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July 31, 2024


Middlebury Underground trying for Guinness World Record for number of dogs at a film screening

(Thanks to Annette)


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They're gonna need more pooper scoopers.

Reminds me of when I sat down in a theatre behind a guy with what appeared to be his date. Turned out it was actually one of those dogs with long blonde human-like hair. Not only that, the dog was into the movie, growling at the bad guy, excited for the good guy, etc. On the way out I told the owner, "I have to tell you, I was amazed by your dog's reaction to the movie."
He replied, "Me too. He HATED the book."
(stolen from Isaac Asimov among others.)

Invite the Basset Hounds.

As movie critics they have the noses to sniff out the winners and losers.

They're probably better behaved than most human theater patrons.

They need a double feature:

Old Yeller and Lady and the Tramp

Still waiting for the Taco Bell vaginal lubricant.

These world record seekers have really gone to the dogs.

A couple of months ago I discovered another website that talked in depth about this topic. I am glad you were able to shed some light on what’s really happening out there. Some websites are overtly biased toward things like this. Where do you think the industry is going in response to this?

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