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July 30, 2024


Collection of 163 unique bedpans fails to sell at auction

(Thanks to MOTW, pharmaross and John Lobert)


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It failed because the investors were unsure of their value. They had nothing to go on....

Now that this story has hit the wire services, there will be a run on them!

That's why I always keep an egg salad sandwich in my pocket when taking a long flight.

Somewhere there must be a museum that dropped the ball on this one.

Marketing is everything.

Lot 142: Collection of 163 unique cereal bowls.

A spokesperson for DBBlog Headquarter issued the following statent: Dave Barry is not taking this sitting down."

Walter T. Walrus - Penisbone
Corporate Spokesperson*
DBBlog Headquarters

*replacement for judi who was fired.

I think this is one of the oddest collections I've heard of and the only people I think might be interested would be a movie studio props department. I'm not interested.

Blue Man Group never has enough cymbals.

Well played, Pullet Surprise!

Bedpans! New asteroid size measurement!

As a riff on Packer football fans and their cheese hats, I can see where a bunch of fans of any sport where their team is playing like s**t, could wear these on their heads just to show how they feel about their team. As compared to the Packers fans they could be called the S**t-Heads.

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