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June 15, 2024


Texas pastor sentenced to 35 years for stealing churches

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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When I saw the headline, the first image that popped into my head was a pastor towing a double wide trailer off a lot. I’m not sure if there really are congregations that meet in double wide trailers, but I’m pretty that if there are any there would be some in Texas.

I'm pretty sure that that is not going to go over well in the afterlife...

Love your neighbor.

But don't get caught!

Here in Kansas City, there is a Holy Rosary Credit Union. There have been two robbery attempts recently.

A couple guys need to keep an eye out for lightning strikes.

It all started as a child for him playing board games like monopoly, life, & risk.

After being sentenced to 35 years Foster was placed under suicide watch. Only after county jail officials found a very creative and detailed suicide note in his cell officials released this statement. "Foster has just penned the next number-one country music song in the entire US." Take that Johnny Cash.

In his defense, currently he's finalizing the paperwork to buy the jail and then sell it to the Chinese.

They were so cheap because there are so many of them here in Texas.

Get a rope.

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