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June 07, 2024


I got this ticket, but I'm not sure I want to attend.



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Isn't that the seat behind the light pole?

I think it says, "Because of the lowest ticket price, your parked auto will be earlier caused to splash into water next to the ferry boat if it rarely begins to seek the lake floor. Recommend to retain many valuables on your person and abide within the upper deck ferry cafe during lake transit."

And let us pause to reflect on the sheer awesomeness of judi!



It's a ticket to a middle school dance.

Should be ok provided the windows are left open.

Truth in advertising...

Just be glad it's not an Unterfahrt!

Well, the German translation of "Superman" is "Ubermensch", so you can imagine what that supposed "crossing ticket" really translates to.

I lived in southern Germany in the 1970s and some friends of my parents drove from north to south to visit. They wanted to know where the German megalopolis of Ausfahrt was, since every exit for hundreds of miles on the autobahn seemed to point to it somehow.

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