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June 07, 2024


We are aware that the comments are not working. We have taken all necessary steps, as follows:

  1. We fired judi.
  2. We wrote this post advising you that we are aware that the comments are not working and that we have taken all necessary steps, specifically firing judi and writing this post.

We ask that everyone remain calm until this situation is resolved. Be sure to boil your water and remain six feet apart.


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So we need to get three other folks to stand between us?

Florida Man, just grab one of those venomous Florida centipedes and put it between you, they have way more than 7 legs so that means you can stand right next to each other.

Time to give judi a raise.

The comments are back!

"...and there was much rejoicing..."

Social distancing enforced with boiling water.

I like it.

We should extend this to people who double dip snacks in the chip dip bowl.


Hate to pick nits. But please capitalize the "J" in Judi. She's earned that for having to put up with the likes of me.

Judi also earned having her name spelled with an i and not a y like I did in the nightmare inducing "Send Help" photo of a group of us dressed as squirrels surrounding Dave and Dave.

It's quite interesting that you update diverse content. Learn and research!

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