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June 09, 2024


They appear to be working again, thanks to judi. How does she do it? It's a mystery to us.



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Judi should either be given a raise, or fired. Perhaps both just to be safe.

What me worry?

Who are you?

Have you seen her?

Is there a " ! " ?

There's Mrs. Blog in the window reflection over Dave's shoulder, taking his pic.

The kind of pic you normally only see on a milk carton or under the caption: "Do you know this man?"


I saw this pic on a wall at the Post Office.

Dave On the Run...

You are thinking, "should I smash and grab this joint?"

Dave has the big questions

Wow, a plae that reaads your mind. I can imagine the questions going thru the mind of the person in the photo:

- Why am I not funny anymore?

- How do I tell my staff (Walter) that I had to let judi go, again, e.g.,:
- She has gone to live with Jesus?
- She is on a vacation to Minneapolis?
- She is taking time off to have a baby?
- She has gone to a better place?

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