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June 14, 2024


A crocodile was terrorizing this Australian town. So residents cooked and ate it

(Thanks to many people)


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This approach could be taken with squirrels.

Beat that Joey Chestnut!

Wash it down with a 1927 bottle of Crocodile Tears.

Maybe inspiration for handling the emu problem over in Broken Hill.

As LeDud noted, hillbillies have been doing this with squirrels for centuries... Someone needs to start a billboard campaign with cows: "Eat More Skrells"

People Eating Tasty Animals

Tastes like chicken!

I've eaten some tail and it tastes like Snapper.

Wouldn't this solve Florida's alligator problem?

the animal was “cooked up into crocodile tail soup, he was on the barbecue, a few of the pieces were wrapped up in banana leaves and cooked underground.”

What, there wasn't some part that was .. (wait for it) (no really, it's pretty good) .. POACHED ?

Thank you. I'll be here for what remains of the weeks.
Remember to tip your wait staff.

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