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June 10, 2024


Mozart, the world-famous music influencer, was only four feet tall and had weird hands from playing the piano too much.


You can buy a Mozart Pez dispenser. Take THAT, Jimi Hendrix!




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As long as Baby Mozart doesn’t back you into a corner.

Move over let Jimi take over.


In C Minor.

Since he was buried in an unmarked grave and his remains were probably later moved (the custom at the time), nobody knows where he is presently decomposing.

Has the Blog Czeched Out of Prague?

Forget New York...

If you've been immortalized as a PEZ dispenser, you'll make it anywhere.

Those forced perspective rooms are fun.
Dave, you look like you really are taller than Mozart.

Huh? What did you say? Weird hands? From playing the penis too much? With only a four foot pez dispenser?

MOTW's Sightseeing Tips
Make your Liszt of sights to see, some may be Haydn just around the corner. Don't be too Bizet. turn the Handel and see what you find. Get someone to Holst your beer while you explore.
When you are done, remember to get Bach, get Bach: get Bach to where you once belonged.

When I was 5, I thought Pez dispensers were the coolest thing going. Then it was Corvettes. Then flat screen TV's. now it's an afternoon nap.

The weird hands look like they're from gripping a guitar neck and playing clawhammer style. We always knew Wolfie was a bluesman at heart.

Lets flood pez.com with requests for a dave barry pez dispenser!!! Dave desrves to be immortalized in this way or at least chisled into mount rushmore or maybe a bobblehead at a Marlins or Tampa bay

I would post the link, but I fear starting a new cycle of comments being closed.

A Jimmy Hendrix Pez dispenser does exist.

Is it just me, or does the photo angle make it look like Dave's head and upper body is a two-dimensional poster fastened to the wall while the rest of him is standing there? Is this another Escher illusion?

Why no pics of the kangaroos and koala bears?

To me it looks like Mozart has been spending too much time on his rocking horse.

πŸ” I love Mozart! πŸ”

πŸ” Encore! πŸ”

This photo shows Barry Manilow getting closer to Mozart in an attempt to make his (Barry's) music have a more classical appeal to the much older generations of women and would be/could be/wanna be fans.

The photo shows Dave talking to the great Amadeus about the opportunity to try out for a spot with The Rock Bottom Remainders on their summer tour. WAM has the advantage in that he was classically trained, unlike the other members of the band. Plus the Remainders can claim they have a band member that is older than Keith Richards.

🎡 More classical music for Dave... 🎢

Mozart vs Hendrix...

The photo shows Dave interviewing a potential candidate to replace judi:

"You would work very well with our current office manager named Walter. You and he have a lot in common - quiet, handsome, with that ever-present smile that puts people at ease. In fact you and he look a lot alike when he puts on one of his Lego heads. And can you play a musical instrument? I have a small band that could use a little something extra. What can you play?"

Wow, what an addition to the Remainders - "Pez Mozart". And that white hair should really make the old ladies wild.

Mozart looks like He got a hold of several hits of that Purple Haze going around.

It's spelled "Wham!"

Gold Star to MOTW!

That PEZ dispenser looks fragile.

Handel with care.

Mozart was sent to the corner for his continuous playing of "Lean On Me."

Dave was sent to the corner for his incessant playing of "chopsticks."

The music teacher took an ax to the priceless harpsichord.

Mozart and Dave are smiling and quietly humming their tunes.....

It was the bottom of the 5th and The Rock Bottom Remainders were up next in Salzburg.

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