(Thanks to The Perts, B&C and EricY)
« June 20, 2024 | Main | June 22, 2024 »
(Thanks to The Perts, B&C and EricY)
(Thanks to Ron Wylie)
Ruskin man accused of theft opens stolen beer, says ‘I’d rather just go to jail’
(Thanks to Ralph and pharmaross)
Related (note mug shot): Florida Man Nabbed In New Canaan For Drunk Driving
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Bride’s wedding dress catches fire mid-ceremony
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Nude swimmers take the plunge for Dark Mofo at Long Beach in Tasmania
(Thanks to pharmaross)
(Thanks to Linda Schutjer)
Jodhpur Man Installs Shower On His Scooter To Beat The Heat
(Thanks to Ralph)
My calendar reminded me that on June 22, 2004, twenty years ago now (the modern version of a platinum anniversary), the First! thread was born.
Dave made a joke about followers who scrambled to be first to post a comment on a blog entry, by posting an entry simply titled "First!".
Confusion followed, but within a day or two the comments settled down to a seemingly unwinnable contest to be the LAST person to post something.
The battle waged on for NINE YEARS almost to the day when, on June 21 2013, I fluked winning by being the last person to post something before the sysadmins locked off comments.
A remarkable effort by all concerned, and a legacy that should result in some sort of award for Dave Barry himself. I'll let him decide what that should be, but something along the lines of "cheapest content generation scam ever" would probably fit. :)
MBE-LP (Member of the Barry Empire - Last Poster)
Drivers wrangle loose emu in the middle of Alberta highway
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Shooting A Potato At A Tennis Racket to Make French Fries
(Thanks to Mike)
Truck carrying 40,000 pounds of beer goes up in flames on I-95
(Thanks to pharmaross and Bill Melater)
Marge Simpson's likeness found in ancient Egyptian coffin. What does this discovery mean?
(Thanks to B&C and The Perts)