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May 09, 2024


Las Vegas alien video is original, expert says

(Thanks to man tom)


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How does one become an expert in Las Vegas aliens?

Vegas Aliens performing nightly in their show "Once You See It, You Can’t Deny It!"

I've seen enough strange people in Las Vegas that at least some of them have to be aliens.

I will wait until the NASA top boffins weigh in on this. Nothing more credible than a boffins' opinion. Plus it puts them to work on problems nearer to home rather than some outer space orb.

We're rather disappointed that the footage is so blurry.

“We don’t believe it’s a floating head.”

In case you missed it watching the video, they give you fair warning.

Funny how they didn't show the video, so we will never know if it is real.

If they were really aliens, they probably came across the border from California or New Mexico.

I have unsuccessfully searched for the video. Floating Head Alien would be a good name, etc.

Floating Head Alien would be a good name for a craft beer.

@Pullet - plus it's just fun to say "boffin"

I think that is a phrase plumbers use when called out to unplug an overflowing toilet - floating head.

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