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May 23, 2024


North Ogden police are investigating after an 11-year-old elementary school student unknowingly brought a bag of THC-infused gummies to school in March and shared them with four other children at recess, police announced Tuesday.

(Thanks to Joshua Lutes)


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While they didn't cause any trouble, they did want their lunch break extended.

North Ogden? Clearly the pro-cannabis forces are advancing towards the Idaho border. Child soldiers have been recruited. Combined with assaults from Oregon, Washington, and Montana, Idaho will soon be surrounded. Reinforcements must be brought in from Wyoming while Idaho still controls the easterly mountain passes.

Findings after a thorough investigation in to the recess incident.

Important information from the national institue on drug abuse concerning marijuana use:

Short-Term Effects

When a person smokes marijuana, THC quickly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream. The blood carries the chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body. The body absorbs THC more slowly when *THE PERSON EATS OR DRINKS IT*. In that case, they generally feel the effects after 30 minutes to 1 hour. Withing about an hour and three minutes, the person seeks out heroine, ends up in a halfway house, uses methadone to make a slow 12 step recovery then, with the help of a concerned community, usually can be promoted the 4th grade by the age of 24.

The entire incident almost went unnoticed until one of the cafeteria workers started chatting with the librarian and they noticed the day there were no left-overs and the afternoon everyone in the library fell asleep for the entire afternoon were one and the same.



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