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May 14, 2024


Ferrari Roma Falls Down Elevator Shaft

(Thanks to Barry Nester)


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On the plus side, I wasn't driving.

So the remake of "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" is set in Florida?

Lab analysis found fuel injector cleaner
and coolant sealant in Ferrari Roma's system as well as several empty cans of refrigerant found at the site.

Fell down ?!?!

He was pushed by a tow truck to which he owed money.

I'm gettin' fired for driving down the elevator shaft
I gotta find a new place where the parking is safe

We never take my car 'cause it's down in the shaft'
And we've never missed because of girls we never meet
None of the guys go steady 'cause it wouldn't be right'
And none of us have ever had a best girl to leave home on Saturday night.

I used to get around
(Get around round round, I used to get around)

If this had happened in Oregon, explosives would have been used to allow seagulls and crabs to dispose of the material

I can see where a person who uses the drive thru features of many fast food places or banks might say, What the Heck, a drive thru elevator? Didn't a guy name Enzo invent the Ferrari and isn't that a code word for something, sort of like Uranis and innuendo (Italian for suppository)?

Does CARFAX have a "fell down elevator shaft" section?

Coincidentally, Diana Muldaur was driving.
(You have to be pretty old to get that)

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