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May 21, 2024


Brits 'triggered' by 'abominable' method for slicing Colin the Caterpillar cake

(Thanks to Ralph)


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RIP, Colin.

"Triggered Brits" is equivalent to "baffled boffins".

Wrap it in cotton and wait for a butterfly cake?

Possibly related...

A couple decades ago, we attended a church that met weekly in a rented space. Since folks came from all over, it was a potluck lunch every week. I would bring one or two homemade pies. I took time to make decorative cut-outs so they looked nice. That stopped when someone decided to thrust their serving spoon into it and proceeded to break it up to make it easier to serve (they said), like using a potato masher on a cherry pie.
My husband made a fuss about it when we got to the dessert table: "Who did THIS? Why would someone DESTROY a pie like this?" One person fessed up and my husband explained the way of pie serving to them.
I just decided that if I made any more pies, I would pre-cut them before putting them on the dessert table to show the boo-boo-heads how it's supposed to be done.

Pie are round, cake are square, that's gotta be Colin the crullar.

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