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May 27, 2024


Florida man goes on ‘Wheel of Fortune’ and makes NSFW flub

(Thanks to Ralph)


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Possibly related...

...reprising the famous "in the butt" episode of The Newlywed Game.

Good one Jeff!

For those that missed it...

@Jeff and @Phillip - I've never seen that before. Thanks!

Along the same lines (and also probably NSFW)

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

One thing I notice each time I watch Wheel. Vanna White works her fingers to the bone each and every night. Amazing she can hold up all these years with the strenuous complicated works she does lighting the letters with her fingers like she does. An amazing thing to watch and a highlight of the show.

Even more amazing is the fact her father's great grandparent were from Mallorca, an island in the Mediterranean Sea known for being a place no one has ever heard of.

These are gonna make a great dessert to go with those 30 rotisierre chicken I've got stashed out in the forest.

Damned brain worms are making me do stupid things.

I'd like to solve the puzzle:


Embarrassing things like this would never happen if they gave them the answers, like on " 21 ".

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