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May 16, 2024


Indiana judge rules tacos, burritos are sandwiches

(Thanks to John Lobert and Ralph)


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There's at least one other court case where a judge ruled that they're not sandwiches, so now what?

(The case in question was brought by a Panera Bread franchise whose lease agreement at a particular strip mall included a clause that no other "sandwich shops" would be permitted. When the landlord leased a spot to a Chipotle franchise, Panera Bread sued for breach of contract but lost the case.)

@wanderer - that's good context, thanks.
IMO, it's sad when a judge has to settle what seems (to me) like a pretty simple dispute.

In an amicus curiae filing Nathan's suggested that the Wienermobile is actually a sandwich truck.

@the gost of the Earl of Sandwich
which brings us to the bigger debate, are hot dogs sandwiches? The Supreme Court needs to move this on to the top of the docket

Or settling the question: Is the judge just a hot dog or a weenie?

I guess the judge should have ruled that if Quintana only sold tortas, he'd be OK, since those are Mexican sandwiches.

So ergo a sandwich is a taco?

Quick, notify George Lucas - a new film inspiration - "Indiana Judge and the Tuff Tacos" staring Harrison Chevrolet.

Quintana Sends 100 Supreme Tacos to the Supreme Court.
This filled the courts briefs.

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