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May 20, 2024


Woman discovers husband is cheating on her after puppy swallows his mistress's thong

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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That sounds like a whale of a tail.

Since those things are so small....I'm surprised it blocked anything. Oh...a friend told me this.

The thong has ended, but the memory lingers on.

Seriously considered but ultimately rejected "Bridgerton" story line.

Well, that is the thong and the thort of it.

Trying to imagine how big of a dog it would take to swallow one of those undergarments my grandmother used to wear? I think back then they were referred to as 'foundation garments'.

Back before I retired I was a diesel fitter.

Reminds me of the joke about the man wearing woman’s undergarments. When asked how long he had been doing that he replied, “Ever since my wife found them in the glove compartment.”

Reminds me of the joke about the man wearing woman’s undergarments. When asked how long he had been doing that he replied, “Ever since my wife found them in the glove compartment.”

(Pardon the double post….)

I believe I saw this story on “All Crestures Grest & Smsll” on PBS last month.

I find the topic interesting and these things happen

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