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May 21, 2024


Hertz gets caught charging multiple Tesla renters for not returning the EVs with a full tank of gas

(Thanks to The Perts)


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Serves them right for renting from the most expensive rental car firm on the planet.

Ready, fire, aim! This approach also works well for aircraft manufacturing.

Check the power window fluid too.

Hertz, eh? In a related story, OJ murdered his wife.

But...but...the cup holders are FREE!!

What does Hertz charge for air loss from the tires?

Well, Ed, last month my wife hit some object on a Florida highway at night —possibly an alligator—while driving a rental car from that company, resulting in a shredded tire. They charged her $247 for a new tire, and a $155 “administrative fee”, so your question is a good one.

Are the Hertz white Ford Broncos EVs???

what's the charge for returning an ICE vehicle with a dead battery?

No pain, no gain, we didn't name it hurts for no reason.

I thought they were suppose to charge the cars not the drivers. I guess next time wear your electrical shorts.

Big planetary solar alignment today! Moon, Earth, Sun, Venus, & Jupiter, CME's Incoming? Set your EV's to broil & stock up on smores ingredients, just in case?

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