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March 18, 2024


Fleeing suspect ends up in Pacific Ocean after wild pursuit in Los Angeles

(Thanks to man tom)


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Never relay on your GPS during a police chase, blub, blub, blub.

"rely" (wet keyboard)

In my defense, the car salesman said it had the optional James Bond "Wet Nellie" submarine package.

Here is a much better video, 50 seconds in, showing her drive the car into the ocean trying to escape *DUH*. She had two dogs in the vehicle. Later in the video one of the dogs, the smart one, is seen streaking like a speeding bullet down the street trying to get away while shouting what people thought they heard heard the dog say, "she's a moron!" and charging off in the distance yelling, what they thought was this.

*Dog is seen running away around 1:30ish in the video. It's not fuuny. Well, not until you think about it.

Big deal, happens quite frequently in L.A. Now if the fleeing suspect wound up in the Atlantic Ocean, well that would be something.

If the suspect ended up in the Atlantic Ocean while fleeing, now that would be heardle 80s noteworthy.

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