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March 19, 2024


I can hear what animals think – and you can talk to your pet with this simple trick

(Thanks to John Lobert)

Related: Overworked South Koreans Unwind With Pet Rocks—‘Like Talking to Your Dog’

(Thanks to Ralph)


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What's alarming is when your pet, or pet rock, thinks it knows what the voices are saying inside your head.

I told that dude I didn't want to go into Buc-ee's with him. He never listens. Maybe next time I'll "support" him by tapping his third eye vigorously with my bill.

"Anyone can talk to their animals and pets. It’s about getting into a natural, meditative state, and it works every time." Beth ...So, drunk, basically?

I'm not sure it's that great an idea to talk with your pets. You might not care for what they have to say to you.

My dog says, "Go! Truck! Dairy Queen! Now!"

Can you imagine what cats are thinking? "Oh...he's probably too big to kill..."

Hey, I tried this in the park with all these pigeons - "Okay, every one, not everybody think at once." I then went out into my garage and found the same technique worked on all these hammers I have hanging on my wall. My wife's father was a locksmith and I tried the technique on the doorknob collection she inherited - I found that these knobs like to watch TV, especially "As The World Turns."

I tried, I honestly tried. But every time I got into a natural, meditative state, I was asleep.

The great philosopher Wittgenstein once said: "If a lion could speak, we would not understand it."

I've always understood what a cat thinks. But how they string that many four letter words together is the most impressive part.

"If I could talk to the animals"

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