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March 17, 2024


US government agencies demand fixable ice cream machines

(Thanks to Ralph)


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This is a serious issue that has gone for YEARS with McDonald's franchise owners being forced to use Taylor machines and ONLY Taylor machines, which are programmed to break down. Kytch built a diagnostic tool that interpreted the codes and what to do to repair them. But franchise owners are not permitted to repair the machines when they break - McDonald's will sue them. They must call a certified Taylor repairman. While the machines are down, they can't sell soft serve or make shakes, so they lose revenue.

Before Kytch came along, Taylor had a repair monopoly on the McFlurry machine. When the thing broke down or hadn’t been cleaned, the machine would shut down, and only a certified Taylor technician could get it going again.

That's the reason the government is getting involved - it's a racket.

This is how Dairy Queen is able to maintain it's price points. Coincidence or conspiracy? (only Big Ice Cream knows for sure).

This has to do with right of repair, and the DCMA is the bad guy here. It gives Taylor the right to prevent anyone else from working with their machines due to the DCMA copyright issues.

Perhaps all those unmarketable EVs can be modified into ice cream machines?

Hmmm, this all smells of something familiar - re: Boeing and the FAA.

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