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March 15, 2024


Japanese inventor of karaoke dies at 100

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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Admittedly, my only venture into karaoke was a complete failure, as friends in the audience distracted me from tracking along with the otherwise easy lyrics. It was a Jimmy Buffet song that I butchered, so in Shigeichi Negishi's honor, may he enjoy a better version of "Cheeseburger in Paradise" than I ever offered.

His Eulogy will be in the form of Jimmy Buffet

We need a copy of the Rock Bottom Remainders Greatest Hits in order to remember him properly.

My iden, as deadmen tell no tales.tity will continue to reamin a secret

My identitiy remains a secret as deadmen tell no tales.

His passing was described as being "lyrical".

Mourners will be invited to read from selected historical elegies while members of the congregation laugh at their efforts..

I'm waiting to hear of the attempt at a Guinness record of the most karaoke versions of "Copacabana" or "New York, New York" performed simultaneously worldwide.

The Rock Bottom Remainders had a Greatest hit? Was that one of those Easter Egg/Ghost Tracks on the Barry Manilow Greatest Hits, Volume 9?

Now that I mention it, how can you have Greatest Hits (plural form)? Seem like there should be one Greatest Hit and the rest might be called Greater Hits? My 8th grade teacher would be so proud of me pointing that out?

Karaoke Pilots who deliberately crashed specially made planes directly into enemy warships must have been horrible singers who couldn't stand themselves.

Some will attend the funeral to mourn, others to make sure he's really gone. (Same thing happened to me.)

At least there’s nothing wrong with his radio..

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