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March 23, 2024


CHP says 'imaginary friends' don't count in the carpool lane, Bay Area driver busted

(Thanks to Doug Ogg)


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So much for the power of positive thinking. CHP crushing dreams & taking names in the diamond lane.

Friends don’t let imaginary friends drive carpool lanes.

Good that California has solved all of the more serious crime problems.

BTW, the writer should probably be prosecuted for getting his facts wrong. This was NOT a carpool lane. It a HOT lane aka an Express Lane. These details are very important to my progressive friends.

Ponch, Jon, and Sgt. Getraer aren't going to tolerate this.

If your imaginary friend is homeless paper work is at hand which gives your I-friend $750 a month tax free. Employment placement services have been disbanded for lack of interest. The free 'all the drugs and alcohol you can choke down service' is available to any illegal imaginary friend (I-friend) regardless if caught abusing the carpool lane. CA welcomes pathetic losers. "Come and and take a dump free of any arrest or hassle on our streets despite the fact you are imaginary in your own mind."

A public service announcement for Californians for I-Friend rights.org

This should have made 'the list'.

Some of my best friends are imaginary friends and I used to take them everywhere. My IF says he is going to sue the state of CA for under-represented groups. I told him to cool it cause he gets into movies and concerts for free.

What if you're non-binary?

How about imaginary lovers?

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