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March 15, 2024


Women are only just learning why bras close at the back rather than the front

(Thanks to Rick Day and John Lobert)


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Here's a bit more on the theme of bra history. My mother once told me that when she was young, in Depression-era Brooklyn, she and her four older sisters contributed to the family income by sewing together bras. They were paid 25 cents for each box of 12-dozen bras they completed. Apparently this wasn't unusual for the time (child-labor laws notwithstanding).

Erin Go Bra

I wanted to read the article from front to back, but I can not open it.

Next question, why do they have cooties?

Designed by government engineers

Do you mean bro?

It's called a mansierre.

Thank you, Dave, for keeping us abreast of the situation.

I thought it had more to do with motorboating than steamboating.

When I injured my rotator cuff, I had to hook in front and then squeaky-twist it an inch at a time to get it on straight. Not fun.
If anyone going through radiation for breast cancer wants some practical advice: I put a spa sock between my bra and my skin. That saved me a LOT of pain. It also saved $$ because I didn't have to buy a special bra that I was only going to need while going through treatment.
/end practical advice .. you may resume your regular humor/

I am only interested if they UNHOOK in the back or the front.

To prevent them from gettong entangled in the nipple rings and/or clamps?

If further research should be indicated, I stand ready to assist in delving into this subject. Indeed, not only ready but eager.

For those of us who prefer it when the fun bags are in the rear?

Many years ago (in another life) my girlfriend (later wife) and I occupied a bed in the same room with her sister and a "friend".
In the morning, "sister" hopped out of bed to dress for class (Indiana University) and turned her bra backward so she could hook the clasp in front, then spun it around, stuck her arms in the shoulder straps, and pulled the contraption into position.
I was impressed.

Thank you for posting this .... now I can put the tin snips away!

My first wife had one that clipped in the front 40 years ago. Maybe she was from the future.

It’s easier to play ‘radio’ when you’re facing the dials…

When a man is considering whether to unhook a woman's bra he should consider the situation carefully and not make any snap judgments.

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