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March 20, 2024


Boulder the size of a large boulder removed after blocking Highway 21

(Thanks to Craig Roberts)


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I suppose the editor may have called in sick that day. He may otherwise be looking for another job today.

Well, my foot is a foot long, so why can't a boulder be the size of a large boulder? Or 6.3 washing machines?

Calling editorial, stat!

"The headline .. is an homage to this classic viral Tweet from 2020 from the San Miguel County Sheriff's Office in Colorado: Large boulder the size of a small boulder is completely blocking east-bound lane Hwy 145 . . ."

Heh. The pictures appear to show at least TWO large boulders the size of... well, for want of a better phrase, small asteroids.

Too bad this didn't happen in one of the cities named Boulder. The editor's head might have exploded.

The U.S. government Bureau of Weights and Measures officially defines ' Boulder ' as equal to ' one boulder ' .

I guess we're taking the presence of a serious editor for granite.

How bold was it?

Finally! passed that kidney stone.

Highway 27 rocks!

In geology, the word "boulder" does have a specific meaning, referring to the classification of rocks/sediments/particles by size. Although I seriously doubt the reporter knows that.

A boulder is any rock bigger than 10-12 inches (there are competing scales), so obviously there are boulders people can pick up easily. Then there's the more colloquial use of "boulder" to describe a rock too big to pick up.

So a "boulder as big as a boulder" actually makes sense, albeit sort of weirdly.

I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder!

Just think of the money judi could make getting a job in Idaho sorting out this rocky situation for these people.

But it is not likely since she is an executive a corporate job, smoking big cigars, drinking fancy scotches, and her feet up on her walnut desk. When asked to comment about all this judi was quoted to say, "Dave who?"

As a comparison, the boulder was the size of a 500 lb ball of pythons.

is there an over the shoulder holder for the boulder?

Officials with the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) want to remind drivers in this Gem of a state not to take the highway for granite.

Safety measures have been put into place.

I want those boulders for our rock garden.

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