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March 21, 2024


Jogging to blow off steam could actually make you angrier

(Thanks to Emily, Leslie and w, who say "That's why we ride the couch.")


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The ultimate classic is Frank Jacobs' "The Jogger (with apologies to Edgar Allan Poe)" from MAD Magazine #214, April 1980. Of course now I can't find the website that has a link to a reproduction of the original art and text; this is the best I could find. Scroll down to read pure genius.

I tried brisk walking at the beginning of the pandemic. The frustration was palpable. It was one thing to take a brisk walk to the bus stop a couple miles away to get to work or the return trip. Ending up at the same place seemed Sisyphean

@wanderer, that was epic! Thanks for sharing.

And if you step in something while jogging...

So that's why I'm such a likeable guy? Who'd a-thunk it?

Earbud suggestion if you do run to blow off steam even though it makes you want to poison, slaughter or execute someone even more.

When it comes to blowing things off, it's still better than blaming the dog.

When it comes to "blowing off," I look to the OR Highway Department for expert advice.

Palm Sunday is not far off so load up the turkey baster and have at it.

"That's my secret, Cap: I'm always angry." — Bruce Banner

@wanderer2575 - Yes, thanks for sharing! (“Dogs galore”…LOL!)

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