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March 01, 2024


A NEW study has identified that you are much more likely to survive a zombie apocalypse if you live in Powys as opposed to Monmouthshire.

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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How does this afect their carbon footprint?

Cancel Boca del Vista, we're moving to Powys!

Report from Monmouthshire:

The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Wolf-Man, Dracula, and his son

The scene was rocking, all were digging the sounds
Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, The Crypt-Kicker Five

I suppose the realtors in Powys may have come up with a winning marketing strategy here.

If you want to find zombies in Powys or Monmouthshire, just look for their tracks. Follow the prints of Wales.

If you encounter a zombie there you may have to duke it out with the cornhole, duchess the odds.

Having had to sit thru three successive screenings by blogs.herald.com to include a body pat down, waving of the wand over my private area and turning down a cavity search I finally to this posting. I was hoping that this story would clear up my confusion about a Queen Consort versus a Queen Concert. So you might find a Queen Consort in Powys or Monmouthshire but you would never find a Queen Concert there, correct? I mean Camilla looks just like a ...

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