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February 09, 2024


Adult dancers in Washington state want a strippers’ bill of rights.

(Thanks to mezrap)


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I'm just a Bill, on Capitol Hill...

Won't anybody think of the children?

Well, they can feel free to use mine.

Makes sense. It's not as if they're asking for the moon.

Known as the “strippers’ bill of rights,” proposals being considered in the Legislature would require a security guard at each club and keypad codes to enter dressing rooms.

Security guard - 'check'. Legally speaking, what purpose would keypad codes installed on dressing room doors accomplish if you are working as a striper? If I were a lawmaker, under the 14 amendment, I would give keypads a 'non-check'.

Andrea is a striper who obtained her Master's Degree at 24? 'Check'. She must have done a lot of studying while wearing minimal clothing. Also a monofilament 20 lb. test G. String - 'Check'.

Striper G-String Omniflex spool 90 day supply available. Improve your lap dance by as much 300%.

I'd be wary of any strings attached to this bill. G-strings is what I'm thinking of....

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