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February 20, 2024


A firm of funeral directors has apologised after sending Valentine's Day cards to elderly residents at a care home in Surrey.

(Thanks to Doug Ogg)


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I have a friend who was diagnosed with metastatic cancer. A month later, she was getting advertisement mail for cremation services.
Come on, people!

We let you down easy.

From Cory Doctorow: Ad-tech's algorithmic cruelty

Yeah, once it starts, junk mail is forever. I still get junk mail at my parents' house, where I haven't lived since 1979!

The apology read: "Take your time, we can wait".

@Rod - I use the Paper Karma app and it has reduced the junk mail very considerably. Because these people sell/buy distribution lists, nipping it in the bud prevents further "propagation." Some days I don't get any mail at all.

And in the Valentine's card was a coupon for a free ride in a limo.

I remember back in the early grades in school we'd exchange valentines. Pleasant memory. This story was not pleasant.

Ever notice that funeral homes are one of the few businesses that don't offer a "Senior Discount"?

—Doug Ogg

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