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February 25, 2024


The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the combination and order of beer and wine consumption on hangover intensity.

(Thanks to this blog's college roomie, Dr. Robert Stavis, with whom this blog conducted a great deal of field research on this topic Back in the Day.) 


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It's bad, REALLY bad, trust the science, but peer review demands the results can be replicated.

What Day was that? Back in YOUR Day? So you can't remember that date? Maybe there is a cause and effect you should note here as good scientific rigor - "Did a study on the effects of drinking lots beer and wine on memory but I forgot what day we did that."

All I know is you can’t drink all day unless you start in the morning..


Neither type nor order of consumed alcoholic beverages significantly affected hangover intensity (P > 0.05). Multivariate regression analyses revealed perceived drunkenness and vomiting as the strongest predictors for hangover intensity.

Further multivariate regression testing without the intake of wine concluded - well we're still studying the application, no conclusion yet.

*So reassuring to know 50% of the study group were women. Makes a *HELL* of a lot of difference.

Cacophony of Stimuli.

Because it would be a lot harder to get grant money if the stated aim of the study was just to get drunk?

Whisky on beer, never fear. Beer on whisky, mighty risky.

Let us know when you are ready to do serious studies regarding drinks that taste almost as good coming back up as they did going down.

A problem was that the researchers kept forgetting what it was they were studying.

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