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February 25, 2024


If Alcohol Ever Makes You Poop Weird, Experts Say This Is The Reason Why

(Thanks to EricY)


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Too much booze makes your stool like like Barry Manilow?

We drink ethyl alcohol. A similar alcohol, ethylene glycol, is highly toxic, but can be made into a polymer called polyethylene glycol. Sold as Miralax, it is used for bowel cleansing before colonoscopies. It is VERY effective at making you "poop wierd."

So after all the thousands of years that people have been defecating, this is finally news? So after all this time they must have come up with this conclusion by process of elimination, I say. Science, like time, marches on. Now the next issue to tackle is how come your kids don't have to go at the start of a road trip, but once on the road they have to go? The old saw of "You should have thought of that before we left." won't work any more as if thought, or lots of it, will make you defecate.

I usually don’t have to worry about such things..they usually happen after going to sleep..

I always thought experts were weird.

So for my colonoscopy prep I should just drink lots of alcohol. Noted.

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