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February 01, 2024


New Hampshire woman falls into dumpster and suffers garbage truck horror

(Thanks to Al Barkafski)


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I saw Garbage Truck Horror open for Taxidermied Polar Bear.

Hot show.

"the unidentified victim told authorities she had fallen into the bin while tossing out her trash'

In all my years of living and taking out trash, I don't recall losing my balance to the point of falling into a dumpster.

If she had but asked, I could've shut down the trash compactor.

Ah, but MOTW, you probably weren't standing on a 10 foot ladder.

If you've ever been through an IRS audit, you know how she feels.

MOTW is right; I've never seen a dumpster with an opening low enough you could fall into it. Clearly this gal was doing her daily grocery shopping.

Some people will try ANYTHING to loose weight.

16 years later.

"Hey mom remember when on the same day you were sleeping in a trash bin and got compacted aunt Celia was arrested in FL for threatening a guy at that gas station with a fruit peeler then took off her clothes and started masturbating in front of police?"

"Listen Taylor, if you don't shut up when your father gets out of prison I'm sending you to live with him."

Because she thought that since the state motto was "Live Free & Dive" she'd try pressing her luck?

Now she knows how Nikki Haley felt

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