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February 07, 2024


Bungling British Airways pilot wrongly activates emergency slide seconds before take-off in £50,000 blunder

(Thanks to Rod Nunley)


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Captain's announcement: "Oh! You wanted to stay ON the plane. My bad .."

The horse in the cargo hold probably pulled the bell cord for the next stop.

That first step from 30,000 feet is a doozy!

Can you help me find my carry-on bag I lost when sliding out?

"This is beyond a rookie error"
Hard to argue with that. You have to wonder how long the pilot's been with the airline, and how long he's going to be there.

I always wondered what that toggle switch did!

No, no, press that other button over there!

end italics

When the flight attendants say "armed and cross-checked" they are talking about the slide.

Lesson #1 on opening the door of a BAE Airbus (or Boeing, etc.) from the inside is how to disarm it. You move a lever from red to green — it's not complicated.

Ralph -- is it Red for Ready or Green for Go?

If the plane was going to Romania, the slide might be part of a vampire defense system

At least in a Boeing plane, the slide worked.

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