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February 09, 2024


Scientists reveal why blueberries are blue

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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It's because of the sky, right?

On the plus side, that doesn't relate to Dave's wardrobe, at least not that often.

A rose by any other name...

I'm thankful that scientists are so lasar-focused on solving the most important questions of our time, and that we have the wherewithal to fund these studies.

Q: What did Tarzan say when he saw 1,000 elephants coming over the hill?
A: “Look, there's 1,000 elephants coming over the hill.”

Q: What did Jane say?
A: “Here come the blueberries.” (Jane was color blind.)

@Clankie - snork!

“It shows that nature has evolved to use a really neat trick, an ultrathin layer for an important colorant."
That sounds just like the celebs who get spray-on tans in time for awards ceremonies.

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