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February 23, 2024


Police search a car and find cocaine -- and a US Army rocket launcher

(Thanks to MOTW)


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I like the idea of having a rocket launching device in my vehicle, but I'm pretty sure my HOA would object

-> The driver was charged with possession of crack cocaine and possession/control of an incendiary device.

Well, which is it, poss or con? Impending charges include/implicate problematic substance use, managerial problems.

Possibly/could be against the strict policy, etc.

Is there a problem, officer?

How on earth can you possibly deliver a payload of cocaine WITHOUT a rocket launcher?

I've often wished for a rocket launcher in my car when some idiot driving 10 mph below the speed limit pulls out in front of me.

In his later years, things didn't go that well for James Bond.

They could have turned the launcher over to me. I'd certainly know what to do with it.

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