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February 05, 2024


Stray sheep wandering Brooklyn streets caught by cops

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, who says "She was released after producing...")


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Like all streetwalker sweeps, arrest the "sheep" but let the "shepherds" go.

Typical of Brooklyn, it looks like it got fleeced.

I recall a story some years ago about a trailer hauling sheep that jack knifed, spilling the animals. This happened in Erath County. Police called on a fraternity at Tarleton. The boys immediately helped to round them up in no time, then went to class like nothing happened. Good kids. The fraternity boys were pretty decent, too.

As long as it doesn't end up in a petting zoo near a butcher's...

Little Bo Peep breathes a sigh of relief.

When the cops radioed dispatch that they were counting sheep, they almost got fired for sleeping on the job.

Buncha sheep.

They were going to a rumble against the Goat gang.

When you're a Sheep
You're a Sheep all the way
From your first meal of hay
To your last meal of the day!

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