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February 21, 2024


An Ohio couple held their wedding in an unusual venue: a Kentucky gas station's viral "disco bathroom."

(Thanks to John Lobert, who asks "What's that smell?")

NOTE: We may have blogged this item already, but we thought it was too important to take any chances. As a precautionary measure, judi has been fired.


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They're just social climbers

In their defense, their wedding registry's at the Kum & Go, but on the plus side, in Cincinnati this is considered a destination wedding.

Send Judi to the wedding for the Herald's society page coverage.

Someone was going to object to the wedding, but they had nothing to go on.

Wait - you are so right - this is an ancient and repeat blog post and you fired judi many months ago. Is this like a knee-jerk reaction or something. Cap'n Dave says, "There's trouble ahead - our blogger community is complaining about our re-posting items - fire judi immediately." Walter says, "Well the readers are correct and you fired judi about 5 times after she was already fired. Do you just tell the bloggers you are firing her just to appease them? I mean, once you fire somebody they stay fired don't they?"

I just got it - judi has been replaced by this guy named 'blogs.herald.com'. Rather than judi asking you nicely in that sweet voice, "Hey, sugar, are you a real person?" You now get this spinning wheel thingy you have to watch while blogs.herald checks out your connections. I got your connections right here.

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