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February 01, 2024


Naked Florida woman barges into gas station, threatens to kill staff with apple peeler

(Thanks to Jimpy and Buck Nekkid)


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"Join Fox News for access to this content"

As fucking if.

In Florida, we call this Wednesday.

My wife wants to know, "Why are they always naked?"

Nothing worse than Death by Apple Peeler.

When Eve Goes Bad, Part II.

I have to admit, she looks just like I'd expect an Apple Peeler Killer to.

Here is another link to the story, with mugshot.

According to an arrest affidavit, Ms Barrett also exposed herself in the store and then “prior to being taken into custody, began masturbating in front of deputies” while still inside the store.

Celia Barrett -->
Relit cabaret
Racier battle
Erratic bleat
A cerebral t!t
A terrible act
Crab literate

Isn't Naked, FL just North of The Villages?

Death by a thousand cuts! You have to appreciate the artistry when someone puts that much time into a project.

Those things shouldn't be in civilian hands

Thank goodness it was just an apple peeler. Now if she'd had a potato peeler, it would have been a different story.

"Guess the state" is kinda redundant when the state is in the headline. :P

Though I guess technically Naked Florida Woman could have been in a different state.

The police also call this "Johnny Appleseeding".

^5 @wanderer2575! (Soon to be a major motion picture.)

Emily Post requests that I remind Visiting Floridian of our fine tradition of being a “family friendly” comments section. While none of us are particularly “shocked” by foul language, any more than we are “shocked” by mud puddles, most of us are in the habit of walking around them. Forgive us. We come from an age when “only beggars went hatless.” Or is that last one just me…

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