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February 04, 2024


Conservation volunteers traveled to the Keys expecting to clean up trash. They found cocaine

(Thanks to Miss Sophie Barry)


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Under The Missouri Compromise of 1820 cleanup crews heading to FL, per the bi-state agreement, automatically qualified for a valid FL drivers license even if the licenses written in Braille, standard license bureau policy, were grossly mistaken for genuine hand-woven Indian baskets.

Cocaine bricks in the Keys are so common, even the dolphins are getting in on the action with their blow holes.

So a voluntary conservation is like a staycation but with free drugs?

We can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Tubbs! We've been waiting for this moment all our lives Crockett, Oh Lord!

Hi, Sophie! Good post.

I'm sure their high school teachers will assign a theme paper: "What I Found During Conservation Effort"

Nothing new here. Anyone remember the "Save the Bales" era in the Keys. I''ve also personally found 55 gall drums of gasoline off Key Largo. Smugglers dump their extra gas overboard prior to entering the Port of Miami as to not raise suspicion.

So, what's new?

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