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February 28, 2024


Canadians will soon have to adjust their clocks an hour ahead as we draw closer to the start of spring.

(Thanks to Ed. Floden)


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Still seeking revenge for the Battle of Montreal.

What are we drawing? Do I use a No.2 pencil? How come you don't use the phrase that everybody else does - "in the wake of winter"? When I hear people say that I think of a big drinking fest or somebody water skiing behind a boat. "Hey, in the wake of the boat."

But, I am not a Pulitzer Prize Winner so who am I to tell anybody how to talk good? Now if you had not fired that judi person you would not have any problems with malaprops.

"Residents of Port Arthur, Ont., now Thunder Bay, were the first in the world to advance their clocks by one hour on July 1, 1908, according to several online sources."

And we haven't forgiven them since!

Except for Saskatchewan, where they haven't figured out how to do it yet, so they don't.

Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration,motivation, and a pinch of creativity

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